Dapper Black Box

Dapper Black Box


Describe your Brand: 

We send our monthly subscribers dapper men's accessories and toiletries from black-owned brands

What is your brand's mission/purpose:

Dapper Black Box's mission is to encourage investment into black-owned businesses.

What makes your brand GREAT?

Our brand is great because we champion a collective energy to an industry where individual energy has dominated for a long time. we exist to shed light on and encourage investment into other black-owned businesses. as we get better at fulfilling our mission, everyone wins.

How does your brand help your customers epitomize having a "Great Sense of Style"?

From a clothing standpoint, we deliver new and unique products from a variety of dope brands every month. The connection to style is clear: we expand our subscribers' wardrobes. from a cultural standpoint, we work to put collective economics back in style.

What is your brand's GREATest accomplishment?

Sending dbbs to subscribers in 42 out of 50 states.








Dapper Sense


Dr. Eric Patrick